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Power UNUNs ( Unbalanced to Unbalanced Transformers )
Designs based
on Jerry Sevick, W2FMI.
encapsulated and water-proof versions are now available.
- Only CWS
ByteMark manufactures these Ununs based on Jerry Sevick's (W2FMI) designs.
- Broadest
Bandwidth (1 MHz up to 50 MHz)
- Lowest
Energy Loss ( < 0.2 dB)
- Aluminum
Casing with SO 239 Connectors, on both Inputs and Outputs. N2 connectors
availabe on request.
- Dimension:
4 x 2 x 2.8 (same for all models)
- Typical
Applications: Matching unbalanced 50 ohm coaxial cable to :
- Ground
Fed Antennas - Shortened Verticals, Vertical beams, Slopers and
Inverted L's. Use 4:1HCU50, 1.78:1HDU50, etc.
- Shunt
Fed Towers performing as Verticals. Use 1.56:1HDU50
- 75
ohms coaxial cable (unbalanced). Use 1.5:1HU75
- Junction
of two parallel 50 ohms coaxial cables (resultant impedance of 25
ohms. Use 2:1HDU50
- Output
of a Transceiver when a large VSWR exists on the cable. Depending
on coaxial cable's termination at the other end, the cable's impedance
at the Transceiver end could be different from the cable's normal
- Beverage
Antennas. Use BEV-U50 Matching 50W to 800W, 612W or 450W
The unun
should find some important applications. Until recently, they have been
literally impossible to obtain. But now they can be designed to match
50-ohm cable to loads as small as 3.125 ohms and as high as 800 ohms
(both unbalanced loads). They can come in low-power and high-power versions
as well as multimatch designs. An important application for ununs is
to match 50-ohm cable to the input impedance of ground-fed antennas
such as verticals, slopers, inverted L's and towers performing as verticals.
Since ground losses play a large role with these systems, a knowledge
of the input impedance of the antenna as well as the ground loss is
important in determining the optimum impedance ratio. The low-power
multimatch unun should find use in the operating room when an unfavorable
impedance is presented to the transceiver. Also, a high impedance, multimatch
unun can be easily designed to match 50-ohm cable to the input impedance
of Beverage antennas. It should also be pointed out that ununs can be
employed in series with baluns to provide a host of wideband baluns
and ununs with ratios which have been previously unattainable.
- Please
use the VeriSign Secure on-line shopping cart below to order these UNUNs.
Almost all models are available from stock for immediate shipment to
// available database fields: partnumber, mfgPN, od, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8, realNum, intNum
// intNum is integer field, realNum is float field. o.d. is also float field. all others are characters.
$ItemType = "UNUNs";
$PriceLabel = "Price US$";
$ColumnHeading = "CWS Bytemark PN,Impedance Level,Bandwidth,Power Rating";
$ColumnField = "partnumber,data1,data2,data3";
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